Orthodontic solutions, beyond their aesthetic charm, play a pivotal role in good oral health and bolstering one’s self-esteem. With braces, no matter what type, it’s important to brush and floss at least twice a day to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and clean. When brushing and flossing, you need to be careful to remove all food particles from your braces so you don’t have any build-up. People with crooked teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, or other alignment issues may need braces.
Braces are able to move teeth very efficiently, and they allow our Upper West Side orthodontist to control the forces applied to the teeth with incredible precision. This allows virtually any type of orthodontic condition to be treatable with braces. It also means that braces provide the fastest possible treatment for a number of conditions. Clear aligners work great for patients who used braces when they were young and now just need a touch-up. Patients who choose Invisalign must wear the trays as often as possible to see the best results. When selecting a provider, prioritize experience and accessibility to ensure a comprehensive dental care plan.
They can also prevent cavities, gum disease, and problems related to mouth movement. While braces create beautiful smiles, achieving those smiles is not easy. Or perhaps you prefer a less noticeable option like ceramic braces?
Getting free orthodontic treatment depends on your status as a Medicaid recipient. If you are, you may qualify for metal braces treatment that is covered by your insurance. Children are also eligible to receive free braces through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Complete an online assessment today to see if you’re a suitable candidate for ALIGNERCO’s cost-effective alternative to https://advanceddentalartsnyc.com/dental-services/orthodontics-in-new-york/ traditional braces.
Unlock Your Hidden Smile With Lingual Braces
Then, you or your child will need to begin orthodontic treatment through that orthodontist. Be advised that only metal braces will be offered as a treatment option through this program. But generally speaking, our treatment plans cost anywhere from $1,700 to $13,000 with flexible payment plans starting as low as $0 down and $87/month. For optimal results, choose an orthodontic facility with experienced doctors.
- The result is a wire that increases the tension on the teeth slowly after placement, rather than all at once, making the days after placement of a new wire far more comfortable.
- In case of emergencies, accidents are factored into the overall treatment cost.
- These braces are made from clear, tooth-colored material known as ceramic.
- Beyond aesthetics, straight teeth contribute to better oral hygiene and long-term dental health.
- Functionally akin to traditional braces, their unique selling point is their placement on the inner side of the teeth.
- The first step toward your smile transformation is just a click away.
Dental Braces
They have swept the orthodontic market by offering clear, pop-on aligners that straighten the teeth without brackets, bands, or wire. Invisalign is the best-known aligner system that has become a generic name for clear aligners. It uses the most sophisticated and most popular clear aligner technology currently available. Lingual braces are the most specialized and the least common orthodontic system available in the market.
Improved Dental Health
However, it is necessary to note that they are slightly larger than metal braces, and the material can stain from eating and brushing habits. Ceramic braces remain a valuable orthodontic treatment, but they do not work for everyone. Specialists only recommend them after determining the patient’s dental needs. Dental braces are the most popular and effective orthodontic treatment for several reasons. They help to correct crooked teeth or bad bite, improve your ability to bite, chew and speak, and enhance your overall appearance.