Cruz Roja Colombiana | Seccional Tolima

Porn is a Weapon of Control Ke_1735969103

Porn as a Control Weapon: You Stay Submissive and Dependent. This pornography’s hold results from its manipulation of the brain’s reward pathway, which mimics drug addiction and gambling. A lot of dopamine is released to further enforce this behavior. It becomes difficult to stop due to easy reach, constant novelty (the Coolidge Effect) and neuroplasticity that are characteristic of addictions like this. This may result in desensitization, escalating behaviors as well as having negative influences on real-life sexual relationships. .…

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Blake harper adult

Blake Harper: Adult Film Star «Exploring the Life and Career of Blake Harper in the Adult Industry» For his work, Blake Harper has become a name known in the adult entertainment industry, attracting attention and respect. His journey into this adult world is characterized by his ambition, talent and determination to push boundaries. As an artist he has wowed audiences with his charm and one-of-a-kind way of doing things, fast earning himself a reputation for being professional and dedicated. Blake’s…

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